Registration as a new customer

Please fill out the form below. Enter your data correctly so that we can process your registration as quickly as possible. Incorrect contact data delays the customer creation and thus the activation.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur branchenähnliche Unternehmen freigeschalten werden können.

  • Architekten
  • Elektrounternehmen
  • Beleuchtungs(gross)handel
  • Lichtplaner
  • Ladenbau
  • Büroeinrichter
  • Bauunternehmen
  • Gartengestalter
  • Hotelerie und Gastro
  • Öffentliche Einrichtungen

Company details

Contact person

Please do not use collective e-mail addresses such as office@ etc. in order to be able to ensure clear order allocation.

Web shop access

Password length 6-15 characters. To increase security, we also recommend using special characters, numbers, and upper and lower case. The following characters cannot be used: < > * : \ ?
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Molto Luce GmbH
Europastrasse 45, 4600 Wels
+43 7242 698-0